+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | strut | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|none�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% There are times when it is necessary to have the baselineskip between two lines be the same, especially if you are building a table that uses rules between columns. The \strut markup can be used in an \halign to maintain consistent distance between lines of a table. The \strut markup has no parameters. Its height is 1.8 times the height of an "x" in the current point size. Its depth is .6 times the height of an "x" in the current point size. �|Example:�% Consider this table created without the use of \strut, \sfs{cm8}{eightpt}{default} \twelvept \tabletitle{Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds of dairy cows} {\offinterlineskip\eightpt \halign{\vrule\hs{3pt}\lft{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule&& \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr \noalign{\hrule} &&\bd Total&&&\cr \bd Source of milk&\bd Water&\bd Solids& \bd Fat&\bd Protein&\bd Lactose\cr \noalign{\hrule height 1pt} Goats&82.02\%&11.98\%&3.50\%&3.13\%&4.55\%\cr \noalign{\hrule} Holstein-Friesian&87.50\%&12.50\%&3.55\%&3.42\%&4.86\%\cr \noalign{\hrule} Jersey&85.31\%&14.69\%&5.18\%&3.86\%&4.94\%\cr \noalign{\hrule} }} \twelvept which prints as: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Table 1 | | Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds | | of dairy cows | | ...................................................... | | ....................................................... | | ....................................................... | | .Jersey...........85.31%..14.69%5.18%..3.86%...4.94%... | | ...................................................... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now add \strut to the \halign preamble, \halign{\strut\vrule\hs{3pt}\lft{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule&& \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr and notice the uniform distance between lines: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Table 2 | | Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds | | of dairy cows | | ...................................................... | | . . Total . . . . | | ....................................................... | | Goats 82.02%11.98% 3.50% 3.13% 4.55% | | ..Holstein-Friesia87.50%..12.50%3.55%..3.42%...4.86%.. | | ....................................................... | | ....................................................... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% The size of the strut changes as the interline skip changes. \twelvept will have a longer \strut than will \tenpt. See The TEXbook for more on \offinterlineskip.