|                                 partformat                                  |
       \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt
                         Part \partnumber}
       \centerline{\twelvept\bd \parttitle}
Abbreviation:  �|\paf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontents�%
The \partformat  markup allows you to  modify the defaults  that control the
appearance of the part title.  Following are the submarkup descriptions.
�|numberingstyle�% allows you to  change the style from Arabic numerals, the
default (1),  to capital letters  (A) or  roman numerals (I).  If you wanted
your parts in roman numerals, you would specify:
�|titleformat�% controls the  appearance of the part title  banner.  You may
use markup such as  \newpage, \dumpinsertseject \verticalspace, and \center-
line within \titleformat as Nested Markup.   Other markup you may use within
or outside of \partformat:
    �|partnumber.�%  prints the most recent part number.
    �|parttitle.�%  prints the most recent part title.
    �|hrule height  0pt depth 0pt.�%   is used  to create a  half title page
along with \vfil.
�|incontents�%  places the  part  title  in contents  (if  one  is printed).
Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
This example does not  create a half title page.   Instead the part starts a
new page, centers the title  bold, and one line is skipped afterwards before
printing the text of the part.
      \cl{\bd \parttitle}
The \partformat  markup must come after  the \monospace markup,  if both are
used.  See The TEXbook for more on \vfil.